“Partnering with Zen Research on my first project in Myanmar was an extremely assuring experience. Their professionalism, reliability, and pro-active approach is highly impressive and is my recommended go-to agency when conducting work in their geographies.”
Jacky Feng - Managing Partner, Chatterbox Research Planners
About Zen
Zen Research is an independent, full-service market and social research agency headquartered in Yangon, covering Myanmar, Laos, and Cambodia. We offer a full suite of qualitative and quantitative research methodologies, a meticulous and uncompromising approach to quality control, and a dedicated and curious multilingual client services team.
We are a little bit different. You’ll like us.
Services We Offer
We offer a full range of solutions for face-to-face, online, telephone, and mobile fieldwork methodologies.
Qualitative Research
Quantitative Research
We specialize in consumer research, healthcare, and pharmaceutical research, social and ethnographic research and B2B research. For further information on the services we offer, please see our Services page.
Our Clients
Our clients are local and international and include many global brands…
If you have questions or would like to learn more, please contact us!
Healthcare Market Research
We have a dedicated healthcare team made up entirely of researchers with medical backgrounds. Managing Director Richard Clarke has 20 years’ experience in pharmaceutical and healthcare research across EU and Asian markets, with a particular focus on hematology, diabetes, oncology, dermatology, and SFE evaluation events and techniques.
Zen Research delivers the highest quality fieldwork in Myanmar